EUR Subordinated Bond >

Bantleon Select Corporate Hybrids
Share Class PA

Art. 8 Active Fixed income Germany Luxembourg Austria Switzerland

»Maximum interest income with solid creditworthiness«

Bantleon Select Corporate Hybrids is a bond fund focusing on subordinated non-financial corporate bonds. It aims to generate maximum interest income and capital gains while selecting bonds with good issuer ratings.

Sustainability-related Disclosures

Information regarding Article 10 of the EU Disclosure Regulation (pdf, 379 KB)



As of: 01.07.2024

Fund information
ISIN LU2038755174
Bloomberg BANCHPA LX
Fund type/Legal form UCITS/SICAV
Fund currency EUR
Share class currency EUR
Minimum investment none
Subscription fee 2,50%
Management fee 0,90%
All-in fee 0,17%
Inception 09.10.2019
End of financial year 30.11.
Distribution type Distributing
Approved for distribution in Luxembourg
Type of custody Collective custody
Fund Total Share Class 30.904.049,08
Fund Total Assets 291.113.543,67
Custodian UBS Europe SE
Luxembourg Branch
Subscription price 90,66
Redemption price 90,66

VaR (10 days holding period, 99% confidence level) 1,84%

Bantleon Select Corporate Hybrids is managed combining a fundamental approach of proven corporate bond specialists with multi-award-winning economic research. While individual bonds are selected using traditional bottom-up analysis, the portfolio managers’ level of investment in subordinated bonds is guided by the economic cycle: they invest almost entirely in subordinated bonds during an upturn but can invest some of the fund’s assets temporarily in less volatile senior bonds during a downturn.

The total return of Bantleon Select Corporate Hybrids is comprised of the following components:

  • Active selection of corporates based on fundamental analysis
  • Management of the sector allocation and investment quota in subordinated bonds according to the »Bantleon Economic Outlook«

The management team invests primarily in global subordinated bonds issued by non-financials where both the issuer and the bond have an investment-grade rating. Up to 35% (temporarily max. 40%) of the fund’s volume may be invested in subordinated bonds with non-investment-grade ratings (issuer ratings tend to be investment-grade). The proportion of unhedged foreign currency risks is limited to a maximum of 10% of the fund’s assets.

Cut-off time 2 p.m.
Summary Risk Indicator (SRI)
Lower risk Higher risk
Typically lower rewards Typically higher rewards


Opportunities and Risks

  • Capital gains resulting from increasing bond prices
  • Increased interest income thanks to addition of high-yield bonds
  • Additional return from foreign exchange management
  • Professional asset management makes the most of the earnings potential of bonds
  • Broad diversification across individual bonds reduces the issuer risk
  • Capital losses resulting from declining bond prices
  • Partially increased risk of rating downgrades for issuers
  • Liquidity risk in the event of general disturbances on the capital market
  • Foreign exchange risk to a limited extent
  • Net asset value per share could fall below purchase price
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